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It's not the inside but the outside that counts.

A symmetrical jawline, perfect nose, plump lips, almond shaped eyes, thick locks of hair, strong long legs, narrow waist, perfect breasts, toned arms, none of that matters, it is what is on the inside that counts......believed no one ever!

This is not a whiny piece, this is a let's be real with ourselves piece. I have experienced the views of different types of people. There is one type that says looks are not important, it is what is on the inside that matters and the others who say, aww you poor thing.... needless to finish that sentence.

It can be true, it is what is on the inside that matters, but to get to know what is on the inside, people have to get close enough to you and for that to happen, they need to like the outside else they will not bother.

I have been asked in the past, why are you negative about your looks and why do you compare yourself to others. Well you pricks, we have to because you made it so!

Look at these pictures:

These are the same people on the inside. One version is just dressed up, one fitter, the other versions are examples of them just living life. We all know who would be preferred. So yes, please tell me again that people are not judged on their appearances!

Studies have proven that aesthetically attractive people are deemed to have traits that humans seek in one another, such as concern for others, trustworthiness and integrity. Beautiful people have the ability to have more successful careers and have a higher earning capacity than their less attractive competitors, despite qualifications and experience.

(Referenced from: Dion, K.; Berscheid, E.; Walster, E. (1972). "What is beautiful is good". Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 24 (3): 285–290.

Miller, Arthur G. (1970). "Role of physical attractiveness in impression formation". Psychonomic Science. 19 (4): 241–243.

Hamermesh, Daniel S.; Biddle, Jeff E. (1994). "Beauty and the Labor Market". The American Economic Review. 84 (5): 1174–1194.

Berscheid, E.; Walster, E. (1969). Interpersonal Attraction, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.)

A joke or comment made by a non attractive person is less acceptable and sometimes downright unacceptable, the exact same words spoken however, in the exact same context but by a pretty human will lead to giggles and gain the seal of approval.

Nowadays, men and women alike feel more and more pressurised to look a certain way. Handsome people with a cocky attitude are hot whilst flabby people with a cocky attitude are basically just cocks.

Why can't we accept people for who they are, their characters and their personalities?

We expect so much from people these days that people no longer are who they actually are; they are who we want them to be and when that becomes boring, because let's face it, keeping an act on gets tiring, relationships break and people end up shocked.'Oh but they changed', no they did not change, you just did not approve so they tried to be who you wanted them to be, they wanted to be perfect for you.

Let's not forget that the human race thrives on acceptance. We are all different, we are all imperfect. everyone says it's ok to be so but that is not reality.

We are all scrutinised to the very core of our being by strangers, friends, family, collegaues on a daily basis.

I can assure you that someone reading this will think to themselves, oh they are in the mood for a rant, must have had a bad day.

It is not that, really it's not but it's just to emphasise that expectations have grown so much that we are the cause of our own ruin. Depression, lack of self confidence, anger, violence, hate; society helps breed all of these emotions.

Social media does not help with these issues, especially amongst teenagers. We accuse them of being useless, well who made it so? Actually most of the time, you'll realise that hey adult, it was you!

It's sad that not many people understand the opportunity cost of our words, actions but most importantly, our behaviour for silent communication is the most powerful and cuts deeper than any shit you could think of.

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